International scientific coordination

Mokhtar El Maouhal
Mokhtar El Maouhal is a professor at Université Ibn Zohr in Agadir, director of the Language and Communication Research Laboratory (Larlanco) and head of the “Communication des organisations” master’s program.
His latest publications include:
– “les plateformes virtuelles comme moyen d’autoformation au savoir-lire numérique”, in Pédagogie universitaire numérique: Quelles perspectives à l’ère des usages multiformes des réseaux sociaux pour apprendre? Mulhouse, May 2021, Université de Haute Alsace.
– “L’analyse des interactions communicationnelles des étudiants dans un dispositif d’apprentissage en ligne”, in Revue Adjectif de l’université Paris-Descartes, 2021 T 1. (Thématique du numéro: Production d’écrits et technologies) Issues in Education Quality: Teaching, Volume 1. (Editors: M. El Maouhal, M. Zniber & O. Barakat), Agadir, Ibn Zohr University, 2020

Stéphanie Crabeck
Stéphanie Crabeck holds a PhD in Tourism Sciences and Management and a DEA in Regional Planning and Environmental Management (University of Brussels).
Her work focuses on the sustainable development of tourism and heritage mediation. Her work focuses on the sustainable development of tourism and the mediation of heritage, with a focus on planning, tourism practices and territorial representations, through comparisons between Western and Southern (particularly African) territories.
A professor in the Marketing, Tourism and Hotel Management department at the Haute Ecole HEPH – Condorcet, she regularly teaches at various universities in Europe and the South. She is the founder of the Ulysse lab-network, the first inter-institutional higher education structure dedicated to teaching and applied research in the field of tourism in French-speaking Belgium.
She also coordinates development cooperation projects in the tourism sector and organizes international conferences.
Larlanco research team

Amal Ben Attou
Amal Ben Attou is a professor of languages and communication at the Laboratoire de recherche sur les langues et la communication (Larlanco) at Université Ibn Zohr d’Agadir.
Her research focuses on architectural and territorial communication, as well as on themes of identity and society.

Abdelfettah Nacer Idrissi
Abdelfettah Nacer Idrissi is a university lecturer with a doctorate in language sciences and a professor of French linguistics at the Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Université Ibn Zohr, Agadir.
He is also an expert evaluator with ANEAQ (Agence Nationale d’Evaluation et d’Assurance Qualité de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique) in Rabat, and was coordinator of the Master Didactique du FLE : Culture et Médiation from 2016 to 2020.
He is also President of the Centre Marocain d’Études et de Recherche en Sciences Humaines et Sociales and a member of the Laboratoire de Recherches en Langues et Communication (Larlanco), accredited by CNRST-Morocco.
His fields of research are rich and diversified: language sciences, discourse analysis, language didactics, Arabic dialectology (particularly Moroccan Arabic), communication, etc.

Hassan Ennaciri
Hassan Ennaciri is a teacher-researcher in Information and Communication Sciences at LARLANCO, Université Ibn Zohr, Agadir.
His scientific publications focus on the themes of communication and culture, education and its relationship to ICTs, and issues linked to interculturality and mediation.
He is a trainer for companies and public institutions, notably in the fields of organizational communication, interpersonal communication and professional coaching.

Mohamed Zaki Lhasnaoui
Mohamed Zaki Lhasnaoui is Professor of Literature at the Faculty of Letters and Humanities of Agadir – Université Ibn Zohr,
researcher in audiovisual communication and artificial intelligence and member of the Larlanco Language and Communication Research Laboratory.
International professors and researchers

Christophe Guibert
Christophe Guibert is a sociologist, senior lecturer at the University of Angers (UFR ESTHUA Tourisme et Culture), and researcher at the “Espaces et sociétés” laboratory at the University of Angers. He examines the many dimensions of surfing (public policies, jobs, social and cultural uses, gender, etc.) in France, but also in various foreign countries (China, Taiwan, Morocco, USA, etc.). His work is part of a dispositionalist and multi-methodological sociology, and aims in particular to deconstruct the spontaneous representations that characterize the world of surfing. He is the author or co-author of L’univers du surf et stratégies politiques en Aquitaine (L’Harmattan, 2006), “Les sports de nature : une catégorie de l’action politique en question”(Éditions du Croquant, 2017). He directs two bachelor’s degrees and a master’s degree in coastal tourism at Les Sables d’Olonne, a branch of the University of Angers.

Florian Lebreton
Florian Lebreton is a socio-anthropologist specializing in outdoor recreational and sporting practices at Ulco (Université Littoral Côte d’Opale) and a teacher-researcher at INRENT (Institut de Recherche et Enseignement en Tourisme, Littoral et Patrimoine), affiliated with the Lab-Réseau Ulysse.
He is also head of the Master in Tourism and Sports Leisure Management (Master MTLS-ULCO).

John Van Den Plas
John Van Den Plas is an anthropologist (specializing in ethnographies of intercultural relations) specializing in travel and leisure, and a teacher-researcher at EPHEC Business (Management of Leisure and Tourism in Brussels) affiliated with the Lab-Réseau Ulysse.
He is also a consultant for project analyses (tourism, associations, non-governmental organizations, etc.) and studies their relations with local populations (more specifically in Western Europe, North Africa, West Africa and Cuba).
He also coordinates the “Zinneguides” project of intercultural and alternative tours of Brussels.

Valentin Chenier
Valentin Chenier is a skateboarder, doctoral student in sociology and youth studies at the University of Tampere (Finland) and president of the Niort Skate Association (France).
He is currently working on a thesis on the relationship between the evolution of the skateboard scene in Morocco and the economic and cultural transformations of local territories, with a particular focus on youth entrepreneurship.